Request a Visit
Request a Visit to Duke (Information for Visiting International Delegations)
The Office of Global Affairs (OGA) warmly welcomes visiting international delegations from global partners, peer institutions and government agencies interested in fostering new collaborations or advancing existing partnerships with Duke. If you are interested in planning a visit to Duke, please review the following guidelines and complete our Visit Request Form.
Please note that due to the high volume of interest, we may not be able to accommodate all visit requests. OGA will evaluate visit requests based on the following criteria:
- Alignment with Duke’s global strategy and priorities
- Level of interest from potential Duke collaborators
- Availability of senior leadership and faculty during the visit date(s)
- Clarity of visitors’ objectives for their proposed visit to Duke
- Scope of the proposed visit. Visits that include meetings with senior administrators, deans, department chairs and/or unit directors from a variety of academic units, schools and departments across campus will be prioritized.
- Advance notice. Visitors should submit the request form at least six weeks prior to the proposed arrival date.
Guidelines for Visiting Delegations
Meetings with Senior Leadership
Requests to meet with Duke senior leadership generally require at least 12-14 weeks’ notice. Even with advance notice, OGA cannot guarantee that senior leadership will be available to meet with your delegation. In most cases, visitors should plan to meet with the Associate Vice Provost of Global Affairs.
When to Visit
Whenever possible, delegations should visit Duke’s campus during the academic year. During the summer, many faculty and staff travel and will not be available to meet. Visitors should avoid Duke holidays and the first and last week of each semester to ensure faculty and staff availability. Please refer to Duke’s Academic Calendar to ensure that your proposed visit will occur at an appropriate time.
Size of Delegation
Due to the limited availability of meeting spaces on campus, OGA can only accommodate delegations of ten visitors or less.
Supported Visits
OGA does not provide support for visits of unaffiliated individuals, individual faculty members, or tour groups. If you are an individual interested in touring Duke’s campus, please visit Duke’s Undergraduate Admissions website.
Campus Map
An interactive map of Duke’s campus can be found here.