Africa Initiative

What is the Africa Initiative?
The Africa Initiative (AI) brings Africa to Duke’s campus in Durham.
The initiative is a faculty-led effort to connect scholars across Duke who have an interest in the countries and cultures of the African continent. AI encourages discussion about African politics, economics, society and culture and fosters interdisciplinary academic and research collaborations related to Africa on campus.
Duke faculty and students are also actively engaged in service learning opportunities, courses and research projects on the African continent.
The Africa Initiative is sponsored by the von der Heyden Fellows Fund, established by Karl (’62) and Mary Ellen von der Heyden.
Duke Africa Initiative Director
Charlie Piot (Cultural Anthropology & AAAS)
Duke Africa Initiative Program Coordinator
Rohini Thakkar (Office of Global Affairs)
Duke Africa Initiative Postdoctoral Fellow
Fidèle Beletchei Ebia (Duke Africa Initiative)
Duke Africa Initiative Steering Committee:
Sarah Balakrishnan (History)
Fred Boadu (Pratt Engineering)
Tsitsi Jaji (English)
Khwezi Mkhize (AAAS)
Anne-Maria Makhulu (Cultural Anthropology & AAAS)
Eric Mvukiyehe (Political Science)
Chris Ouma (English)
Felwine Sarr (Romance Studies)
Karin Shapiro (AAAS)
Stephen Smith (AAAS)
Erika Weinthal (Nicholas School of the Environment)
Duke Africa Initiative 2023-24 Annual Report
The Duke Africa Initiative (DAI) has had a productive year, building on previous successes
while expanding our reach and broadening the scope of our programming. We have continued to
support faculty and students in their projects and events, and reaffirmed our commitment to
student groups on campus. Read the complete report here.
Africa Initiative
John Hope Franklin Center
2204 Erwin Road
Durham, NC 27708
Rohini Thakkar
(919) 681-3262