How We Can Help You
By participating in the international partnership process, you will assist the Office of Global Affairs (OGA) and Duke in identifying areas of key strength that will further allow us to set strategic priorities and demonstrate the breadth of Duke’s global engagement.
There are several ways OGA can assist you insetting up, developing and maintaining your partnership:
1. Find International Partners and Opportunities
Want to become active internationally but don’t know where to start? We’ll help connect you with opportunities for international research and teaching.
2. Help you cross administrative hurdles
International MOUs and legal agreements often require input and approval from a variety of stakeholders across Duke. We’ll coordinate these conversations to minimize headaches and move your MOU or legal agreement forward as efficiently as possible.
3 Provide funding
OGA has funds to support globally-taught courses, preliminary partnership explorations and other opportunities. Visit our resources page for more information. We can also connect you with stakeholders who might contribute to your partnership.
4. Reach out to additional faculty at both institutions
You may want to expand the scope of your partnership to include more faculty and diverse disciplines. OGA can assist you in finding appropriate partners.
5. Celebrate your partnership
OGA regularly publishes features on partnerships and partner programs as a way of communicating about Duke’s global reach.
6. Host visiting delegations
OGA can host visitors from your partner university, set up meetings with key stakeholders, provide briefings about Duke’s research strengths and signature programs, and work generally to advance your mission and goals.