John Hope Franklin Center Launches New Website
New design brings a fresh look for the Center
-By Charles Givens
September 28, 2023
The John Hope Franklin Center for Interdisciplinary and International Studies (JHFC) at Duke University is pleased to announce the launch of its new website at jhfc.duke.edu. Under the Office of Global Affairs, the new site moves to Drupal 9, the latest version offered by Duke Web Services. The new site features a modern design and improved navigation for desktop and mobile devices.
Inspired by the remarkable example set by John Hope Franklin – a revered Duke professor emeritus, historian, intellectual trailblazer and lifelong advocate for civil rights – the JHFC nurtures novel avenues for academic inquiry and learning, simultaneously extending opportunities to the broader community. The JHFC is a unique interdisciplinary research center that brings together scholars from a variety of fields to explore pressing social and political issues. With the launch of the new site, the JHFC hopes to highlight the excellent work happening within its walls.

The website relaunch comes at an exciting time for the JHFC. The Center is home to a variety of area studies centers and initiatives, including the new Global Justice and Equity Fellowship program and the return of the Wednesdays at the Center speaker series. The site will act as a virtual hub for all centers and initiatives housed within the building off Erwin Road.
“I am thrilled about the relaunch of the John Hope Franklin Center website,” said Erin Dillard, Business Manager for the JHFC. “The new site allows us to move into a new era for the Center and I’m excited to see us share its important work with Duke and the world.”
The JHFC’s new website is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about the Center’s work and its commitment to promoting interdisciplinary and international scholarship on race, ethnicity and globalization.