Faculty Global Engagement Fund
Faculty Global Engagement Fund
The Faculty Global Engagement Fund advances Duke University faculty by supporting innovative approaches to global research, teaching and scholarly engagement at Duke and abroad. Funds support international travel and global projects that advance global research, engage with global partners or provide Duke students with new opportunities for global learning and engagement. Funds may also support exploratory travel to establish connections abroad, form a global initiative and/or prepare a project proposal for an OGA or external global funding opportunity. Projects may occur on Duke’s campus, virtually or abroad.
Priority will be given to proposals which:
- Are made by Assistant and Associate Professors
- Include interdisciplinary approaches to pressing global issues, including but not limited to: climate change and sustainability, citizenship and migration, justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI), and global health
- Involve engagement with researchers and institutions in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)
- Develop new or strengthen existing research networks, international partnerships and/or global learning opportunities for students
- Include a plan for sustained engagement after the conclusion of the award period
Award Details
Funds will be awarded on a rolling basis from September 1st, 2023 – May 15th, 2024.
Faculty may apply for awards in the ranges specified below:
- $500 – 3,000 for individual and/or exploratory projects
- $3,000 – 7,000 for substantial projects likely to have significant long-term impacts
Proposals that deviate substantially from these ranges are unlikely to be awarded.
Funds may be used to cover travel, research, course or program development and other project-related expenses. The fund does not support conference travel, unless participation in a conference is related to a broader project or initiative.
Tenure-track and regular-rank faculty with a primary appointment on the University side are eligible to apply. Assistant and Associate Professors will receive priority consideration.
This fund is intended to support faculty who currently have limited financial resources to engage in international activities, including international research, travel and course development. It is assumed that support requested from the Faculty Global Engagement Fund cannot be obtained through personal research accounts, departmental, college, or external sources. Efforts to obtain funding from other sources must be reported and attached to the application.
Application Requirements
Using the form below, applicants must submit the following:
- A proposal narrative (2-5 pages) that includes the following components:
- Project abstract: Brief overview of the project and description of how it aligns with the goals of this fund
- Intellectual rationale: Detailed description of the proposed project, including intended outcomes, anticipated short- and long-term impacts, plans for sustained engagement with global partners and criteria for assessment of project outcomes
- Project timeline: Anticipated start and end date of travel and/or project
- Itemized budget: Outline of anticipated project/travel expenses
- Additional funds: List of any additional funds received for this project and/or pending grant applications
- A letter of support from the relevant school dean(s), institute or initiative director or department chair(s)
Criteria for review
The following criteria will be used in evaluating each proposal:
- Degree to which the proposed project engages with global issues
- Potential to advance global learning, research and/or engagement at Duke
- Breadth and depth of engagement with external partners, especially those in LMICs
- Strength and specificity of expected outcomes for the project
- Likelihood that the engagement will be sustained after the award term ends
- Appropriateness of budget for the proposed project
What is required of grantees?
Faculty receiving awards are required to provide full itemized reporting of funds spent. Unspent funds must be returned. Awardees are required to submit a brief impact report no later than 30 days after the end of the award period.
Additionally, recipients consent to provide progress updates and have news of their work shared via external communications, such as the Duke Global website, or other press releases and publications, and to present their work at appropriate forums on campus.